Course Information

Course Description

Language is the key that unlocks the door to understanding and connecting with others, and English is the bridge that spans cultures and continents.

Designed with the aim of instilling confidence and effective communication skills, our English as a Second Language curriculum empowers learners of all ages, including the youngest, to express themselves with assurance and clarity.

This subject is specifically tailored for learners who speak a language other than English at home. There is no expectation for students to have prior experience in English before starting this course.

Course Objectives

This course aims to cultivate learners' curiosity about languages and cultures, develop confidence and effective communication skills in English, tailor the course for non-native English speakers, enhance reading proficiency and enjoyment of diverse texts, and foster a successful language learning mindset. Through this course, learners will gain the necessary skills and confidence to communicate effectively in English, explore the richness of different cultures, and view themselves as capable language users.

Course Outline

  • Reading: Analyze and interpret various English texts to develop reading comprehension skills.
  • Writing: Practice different writing genres through prompts and activities.
  • Use of English: Integrate grammar exercises and vocabulary development tasks.
  • Listening: Improve comprehension through audio recordings and dialogues.
  • Speaking: Engage in discussions, presentations, and role-plays to develop oral communication skills.


These strands provide a comprehensive English language learning experience, fostering the development of students' reading, writing, speaking, listening, and language usage skills.

Student Acquisitions

Our curriculum aims to cultivate learners' curiosity about other languages and cultures, and how these factors shape our understanding of the world. As students progress, they develop the ability to view themselves as successful language learners. They become proficient in effective communication and develop confidence and enjoyment in reading various texts.

Learning Methodologies

  • Integrated Approach: Focus on developing effective communication skills through an integrated curriculum comprising reading, writing, use of English, listening, and speaking.
  • Collaborative Learning: Promote interactive and supportive classroom environments where students work together to enhance their communication skills.
  • Task-based Learning: Engage students in real-life English language tasks that encourage practical application of skills.
  • Differentiated Instruction: Tailor teaching strategies to meet diverse learning needs and abilities.
  • Technology Integration: Incorporate digital tools to enhance language learning.